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Irma La Douce


Character(s) Actor(s)
Irma-La-Douce - a Poule Jeanne Solomon Berdet
Nestor-Le-Fripe - a Law Student Bill Bronson
Bob-Le-Fripe - Proprietor of the Bar des Inquiets Bernard Katz
Polyte-LeMou-A Mec Robert J. Davis
Jojo-Les-Yeux-Sales- a Mec James Cole
Roberto-Les-Diams - a Mec William Scott Thornton
Frangipane - a Mec Bill Milton
Persil - a Mec Bruce Henn
Police Inspector Paul Galloway
M. Bougne - a Ballroom Owner Jack Masters
Counsel for the Prosecution Ernest Goldsmith
Counsel for the Defense Jack Masters
Warder Ernest Goldsmith, Marshall Nazworth
A Tax Inspecor Gil Gimbel
A Priest - An Honest Man Bill Scott
Gendarme Marshall Nazworth, Gil Gimbel
Bar Lounger, Prisoner & Client Gil Gimbel, Clyde Gore, Jack Masters, Bill Scott, Fernando Velandia


Title(s) Member(s)
Director George Ballis
Scenic Design Larry Riddle
Dance Choreography Jeanne Solomon Berdet
Musical Director Rosalind McCall
Assistant Choreographer Frank Spoler
Stage Manager Al Gimbel
Assistant Stage Manager Marshall Grauer, Telma Baker, Sidney Backer
Book Holder Elise Hallowes
Costumes Lois Lee Stewart, Mrs. A. S. Stewart
Properties Maria Alarcon, Helen Roberts, Gladys Dale, Judy Pryor
Make-up Marcy Massaniso, Jan Daves, Marshall Grauer
Lighting Peggy Miller, Harold Nearhoof
Scenery Walter Quattlebaum, Harold Nearhoof, Charles Vance, Jack Broughton, Maria Alarcon, Judy Pryor, Lyn Lazarus, Ellen Black, Sam Helfrich, Pat Bray, The Backers
Follow Spot Nancy Keller, Ellen Black
About the Cast notes Jean Goodman
Photograph of Mr. Ballis Judith Gefter


Role Musician(s)
Musician Scott McCall, Mary Witthoff

Cast: 23  Crew: 36  Orchestra: 2  Total: 61