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The Fantasticks


Character(s) Actor(s)
The Narrator Robert Dauer
The Girl Sandi Clark
The Boy Dean Johnson
The Boy's Father Mark Snitzer
The Girl's Father Steve McCahan
The Actor Dean Philips
The Man Who Dies The Watch-Hound
The Mute Becky Warner


Title(s) Member(s)
Director Hal Henderson
Scene Design Hal Henderson
Musical Director Mary Helen Solomon
Choral Director Mel Wilhite
Choreographer Mary Anne Murray
Lighting Design Kelly Hart
Technical Director Andrew J. Way
Costumes Mary Way
Stage Manager Barbara Stillson
Lighting Operator David Stillson
Set Construction John Fisher, Marty Friedman, Claudia Hicken, Shyla Marshall, Steve Metheny, Beth Noel
Costume Designer Hal Henderson
Box Office Patricia Gombeda, Shirley Cooke, Pat Powell, Pat Somers, Barbara Stillson

Cast: 8  Crew: 22  Total: 30