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Lumen Repertory Theatre

Lumen Repertory Theatre is a renowned theatre experience in Northeast Florida, known for their bold and professional productions that bring life to empty spaces. As a resident, regional, and repertory theatre company, they collaborate with a core team of talented professionals, alongside various disciplines and organizations, to extend their impact beyond a single location. Lumen Rep believes in exceptional quality, bold choices, and the subversive nature of great art. Through performance, they illuminate empty spaces within our community and challenge societal norms. Their mission is to collaborate with established and emerging professionals, contributing to the cultural fabric of the region.

Lumen Rep is committed to being a professional theatre company from the start. They are affiliated with Actor’s Equity Association, providing fair wages and working conditions for their union and non-union actors, directors, stage managers, and technicians. By paying theatre professionals, they demonstrate respect for their craft and attract talent to the city. This commitment allows them to produce high-quality work that competes with cultural centers worldwide. Lumen Rep allocates a minimum of 50% of their revenue to compensate the dedicated individuals who make professional theatre happen.

Affiliation with Actors’ Equity Association benefits both Equity and non-Equity actors, ensuring fair pay scales, health benefits, specific working conditions, and professional contracts. This commitment provides a safe and supportive environment for all involved.


Year Show Venue
2023 No Exit Swisher Theater