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The Trial of Mary Dugan


Character(s) Actor(s)
Mrs. Edgar Rice Adamae Armbruster
Ferne Arthur Agatha Smith
Marie Ducrot Birsa Shepard
Henry Plaisted Carl Cesery
Clerk of the Court Charleston Kennedy
Jimmy Charlie Tutewiler
Edward West Don Ferrandou
Mary Dugan Dorothy Black
Her Attorney E.S. Beauchamp-Nobbs
Dr. Welcome Edward Goodman
Spectator Elmo Lehman
Court Attendant No. 3 Eugene LeaMond
An Old Derelict Spectator F.W. Armbuster
Char-Woman No. 1 Anne C. Lalor
Char-Woman No. 2 Gertrude F. Jacobi
Reporter No. 1 H.K. Webster
Reporter No. 2 P.M. Teeple
Police Captain Price Harry Lewis
Smart Girl Reporter Idella Wells
Judge Nash Isaac Peiser
Assistant District Attorney J.F. Bryan, Jr.
Court Attendant No. 1 Martin S. Fabian
Court Attendant No. 2 J.W. Randolph
Police Inspector Hunt Joseph Marron
Pauline Aguerro Justine Rehnborg
May Harris Minnie Louise Phelps
Dagmar Lorne Pearl Duchesney
District Attorney Galwey Philip Devlin
James Madison Ralph M. Anderson
Patrick Kearney Stokes Perry
Stenographer of the Court Winston Fowler


Title(s) Member(s)
Director F.W. Armbuster
Scenery Anne C. Lalor
Props Mary Rowland
Costumes Will Louis

Cast: 31  Crew: 4  Total: 35