“Over the River and Through the Woods” is a charming, warm-hearted comedy written by Joe DiPietro. The story revolves around Nick, a single Italian-American from New Jersey who has dinner with both sets of his grandparents every Sunday. The routine and his familial bonds are threatened when Nick is offered a dream job across the country. The news doesn’t sit well with his grandparents who, in a series of funny and touching efforts, plot to keep Nick from leaving. Exploring themes of family, tradition, and the generational gap, the play is a delightful mixture of humor and sentimentality, underlining the importance and value of family ties and cultural roots.
Character(s) | Actor(s) |
Nick Cristano | Chad Boyd |
Frank Gianelli | Larry Hession |
Aida Gianelli | Sue Pope |
Nunzio Cristano | David Buchman |
Emma Cristano | Jennifer Latka |
Caitlin O'Hare | Emily Layt |
Title(s) | Member(s) |
Director | Hazel Robinson |
Stage Manager | Ari Rodriguez |
Assistant Stage Manager | Dexter McDaniel |
Set Designer | Sven Hargis |
Associate Set Designer | Dom Grasso |
Lead Scenic Artist | Nancy Grasso |
Costume Designer | Bethany Paolini |
Props Master | Ashley Taylor |
Lighting Designer | Saraevelyn Bergin |
Sound Designer | Bradley Cooper |
Board Operator | Hannah McCowan |
Cast: 6 Crew: 11 Total: 17